Yes I Can Too..

Blogging, Something worth trying?

My house

Im in the process of making a sensor node to dot around the house.
It has been coming along but very slowly, the first revision on the board was a HUGE failure! Well ok not huge, the ATMEGA chip on the board worked and was programed but I made a bit of a mistake by putting a positive rail underneath the radio and Temp Humid chips 🙁
It was my first time making a PCB and using SMD components (Hand soldered), I was properly setting my self up for failure for the first design. Im thinking of trying solder paste for the next one.

So after spending a few weeks debugging the electronics a idea came to me, why not build a housing for my final product! The design was easy, I floated the idea around with a few friend and refined the design using google sketch up (which is awesome for beginners and FREE).
The images below are the second revision of the housing, a few things to point out

  • There is room for a Lithium Ion Battery at the bottom
  • The sensor board when I get it made will sit on top (above the battery)
  • The grill on the back I’m hoping will be sufficient as a heat grill for the Temp/Humid Sensor inside
  • And the finishing touches – Solar panels on the roof!

So thats my house, please leave comments below and I might post some more when the new boards come in!

River Fire 2010 (Start of Brisbane Festival)

Here are a few pics of the Fireworks in Brisbane..
They call it River Fire cos well all the fire is on the river!!

Brisbane Pics

The Great White Out

The ferry service was canceled till about lunch time, this placed a huge stress on the busses picking up the slack on the ferry services..


Botanical Gardens

A few pics from the botanical gardens next to the Queensland University of Technology.


On the river


Rock Climbing

Kangaroo Point have a great cliff face, with lights allowing late night climbing all you need is your own equipment and knowledge to tap into this wonderful resource!!


Ekka “Brisbane Show Day”

Few pics from the Ekka, things to point out is Ronald McDonald and Astro Boy!! (Well kinda, it was a PWA match)

© 2009 Yes I Can Too..
Log in - "Night City" theme from Atillus design studio